
在2005年1月之前,马克·霍尔本(Mark Holborn)先生一直是隶属于蓝登书屋出版集团(the Random House Group.)的伦敦乔纳森·凯普(Jonathan Cape)出版社的一名主编。从上个世纪80年代末开始,他就在这家出版社工作。最初,他是一名自由编辑,此后,他在插图图书的出版工作方面担任重要角色。90年代,他的大部分工作都是与蓝登书屋和位于纽约的阿尔弗雷德·瑙弗(Alfred Knopf)出版社共同完成的,马克先生同阿尔弗雷德·瑙弗出版社也有关联。现在,他与凯普出版社以及位于斯陶克尔姆(Stockholm),隶属于博尼尔出版集团(Bonniers Group)的马克思·斯卓姆(Max Strom)出版社都有联系。目前,他在世界各地工作,是一位编辑和设计师。


《显现,1945年以来的样式摄影术》(APPEARANCES, Fashion Photography since 1945),与英国维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的一次展览的合作。

《理查德·阿维东,自传和证据》(RICHARD AVEDON, AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY and EVIDENCE),与纽约惠特尼美术馆的一个关于美国艺术的展览合作。

《罗伯特·马普莱索普》(ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE),与纽约兰登书屋和伦敦的乔纳森·凯普出版社合作,是为研究艺术家状态所进行的一个权威性三卷本的出版计划。

由伦敦乔纳森·凯普出版社出版,为东京Miyake设计工作室所作的《ISSEY MIYAKE and IRVING PENN》 为纪念在越南和柬埔寨两场战争中来自冲突各方的所有被杀害摄影记者而作的《挽歌》(REQUIEM),与位于华盛顿特区阿灵顿的一次展览合作。

《满月》(FULL MOON),摄影集,内容包括美国航空航天局的阿波罗计划、人类登月30周年纪念及千禧年纪念,于伦敦南岸海华德画廊(Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London)的一个展览的开幕式时首发。这本书现在有大、小两个版本,在世界上九个不同的区域发行,发行量已经超过40万册。

《吕西安·弗洛伊德》(LUCIAN FREUD),关于这位艺术家的权威性回顾画册。 最近马克先生正致力于以下方面的工作:

《萨驰画廊》(THE SAATCHI GALLERY),伦敦。为位于当地县礼堂的一家新画廊开幕式而出版的《100件改变英国艺术的作品》,以及最近为纪念画廊成立20周年而出版的《绘画的胜利》。 马克先生与战后许多美国、欧洲和日本最重要的摄影家一起工作。



《黑太阳》,日本战后四位最重要摄影家的作品,与牛津现代艺术博物馆(MoMA, Oxford)、伦敦的蛇形画廊(the Serpentine Gallery)和美国费城艺术博物馆(Philadelphia Museum of Art)举办的一个巡回展览合作。


《在日本之上》(BEYOND JAPAN),一次关于战后日本摄影与设计的研究,与伦敦巴比肯艺术画廊(the Barbican Art Gallery)合作

《ISSEY MIYAKE》,一次应设计师本人的委托进行的研究,马克先生数年前曾与该设计师的工作室进行过三个独立主题项目的合作

马克先生曾因其在对日本文化理解上的贡献而获得由日本摄影家协会(the Japanese Photographers’ Association)颁发的国际大奖,最近,皇家摄影协会(the Royal Photographic Society)又向他颁发胡德奖章(Hood Medal),用以表彰其贡献

最近,马克先生正同吕西安·弗洛伊德合作,致力于一本书的写作,这本书涵盖了画家 最后十年的作品。同时他还在与位于斯陶克尔姆(Stockholm)的卡罗林斯卡协会(Karolinska Institute)的雷纳特·尼尔森先生(LENNART NILSSON)合作,这个协会是世界上最先进的医学研究中心之一,马克先生和尼尔森先生一起出版了一本关于人类生物学的摄影集,内容从荷尔蒙和人类胎儿到干细胞,标题为《生活》,该书刚刚被英国第四电视台评为2006年度插图书籍(Illustrated Book of the Year 2006),被翻译成多种文字出版,在全球销量巨大。

2005年、2006年,马克先生与安妮·蕾波维茨(ANNIE LEIBOVITZ)合作,编辑并监督她的作品《一位摄影家的生活》的出版,这本书最近荣居美国畅销书排行榜。


Until January 2005 Mark Holborn was an Editorial Director of the publishing house, Jonathan Cape, London, part of the Random House Group. He has worked at Cape since the late eighties, first as a freelance editor and then in a more senior role with responsibility for the publication of illustrated books. Much of his work in the nineties was done with Random House and Alfred Knopf in New York with whom he is affiliated. He is now under contract with Cape as well as with Max Strom of the Bonniers Group in Stockholm and is working worldwide as an editor and designer.

His most important books as an editor and/or designer or publisher since the nineties include :-

APPEARANCES, Fashion Photography since 1945, in conjunction with an exhibition at the V&A.

RICHARD AVEDON, AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY and EVIDENCE in conjunction with a retrospective exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE, a three volume definitive publishing programme for the estate of the artist in conjunction with Random House, New York and Jonathan Cape, London ISSEY MIYAKE and IRVING PENN for the Miyake Design Studio, Tokyo for publication by Jonathan Cape, London

REQUIEM, a memorial publication for the photographers on all sides of the conflict who were killed in Vietnam and Cambodia, in conjunction with an exhibition in Arlington, Washington D.C.

FULL MOON, photographs from the NASA Apollo missions to mark the 30th anniversary of the moon landing and the millennium, opening with an exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London. The book has now been published in both large and small editions in nine different territories worldwide and with a total print run approaching 400,000

LUCIAN FREUD, the definitive retrospective volume of the painter’s work

Recently he has worked on:-

THE SAATCHI GALLERY, London. The inaugural publication of the new gallery at County Hall, 100 – The Work that Changed British Art, and the recent twentieth anniversary publication THE TRIUMPH OF PAINTING

He has worked with many of the leading photographers of the postwar period in America, Europe and Japan.

His own interests in Japan have led to the publication of his own books as a writer and curator on Japan. These include:-

THE OCEAN IN THE SAND, Japan from Landscape to Garden

BLACK SUN, the work of four of the leading postwar Japanese photographers in conjunction with exhibitions at MoMA, Oxford, the Serpentine Gallery, London and Philadelphia Museum of Art

BUTOH, a study of Japanese dance with Ethan Hoffman

BEYOND JAPAN, a study of postwar Japanese photography and design in conjunction with an exhibition at the Barbican Art Gallery, London

ISSEY MIYAKE, a study commissioned by the designer with whose studio he has been connected for a number of years as he has worked with them on three separate projects.

He was awarded the International Prize in Tokyo by the Japanese Photographers’ Association for his contribution to understanding of Japanese culture and more recently he has been awarded the Hood Medal by the Royal Photographic Society for his contributions.

He has recently worked with LUCIAN FREUD on a book covering the last ten years of the artist’s work and with LENNART NILSSON at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, one of the world’s leading medical research centres, with whom he published a book on the photographs of human biology from hormones and human conception to stem cells, titled LIFE, which has just been voted Illustrated Book of the Year 2006 on Channel Four TV in the UK and has been sold worldwide in numerous languages.

In 2005 and 2006 he worked with ANNIE LEIBOVITZ and edited and oversaw the production of her book, A PHOTOGRAPHER’S LIFE, which is currently in the US bestseller lists.
新东方主义—叶锦添对话MARK HOLBORN
Mark Holborn—简历
Mark Holborn,英国知名艺术图书出版人,职业身份涉及作家、编辑、设计、发行人
自传统 演绎无限—叶锦添