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日期: 2008/7/10 12:11:59    作者:何汉     来源:     

A Imp —Fengzhi Liu

The art of Fengzhi Liu has surpassed the bound of reality.

He dedicates himself to the persuit of the simplicities and romances in children’s hearts, leaving behind the material world of the adults.

Kites and Tiananmen Square in his pictures are optionally depicted on the canvas. He abandoned the so-call modern civilization., making his way back to the world of a curious and ruleless imp.

Black, intensive and brilliant colour, alongside the sharp lines, demonstrates a strong feeling of contrast

These works can be regarded as the wonderful combinations of naughtiness and solemness, simplicity and profoundity, pure innocence and vague illusion, revealing the sensitive apperceptions and teasing expressions of the times.

Deep inside the easy, joyful and light-hearted moods of the pictures, there saw the self-reflections and critical thoughts of the artist.

Just like the imp breaking the classroom windows with his slingshot.

My son’s paintings are far better than mine, Fengzhi once said so.


May 2008




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