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当代版画:1999 ~ 2009



LeRoy Neiman版画中心


今日美术馆, 二号馆


2009 7月4日 - 31日

开幕酒会: 2009 7月17日, 17:00 ~ 20:00


《当代版画十年》是LeRoy Neiman版画中心的国际巡回大展,其中包括中心在过去十年创作、出版的作品,以及其他参与中心相关创作的艺术家的作品。 此次展览的作品凝聚了36位艺术家的心血,汇集了他们在所有版画媒介中创造的300多幅作品,其中包括多位国际大师的杰作。 LeRoy Neiman版画中心创作、出版的作品中包括几组国际大师的作品,展示了独特的、具有挑战性的艺术风格与形式。

LeRoy Neiman版画中心所创作的作品展示了丰富的版画制作风格与技巧。其版画制作工艺结合了雕塑、剪贴、摄影、素描等多种元素,与在传统版画技法下磨练出来的国际公认的中国当代艺术家形成鲜明对比。这种同时一起展示著名中国与西方艺术家版画作品的形式,标志了一个分水岭式的 重要时刻。


《当代版画十年》将在7月4日于今日美术馆隆重开幕。今日国际版画大展不仅包括中国著名的艺术家方力钧、冯梦波、贺穆群、洪浩、冷军、李桦、邱志杰、苏新平、谭平、王华祥、徐冰、周吉荣、 张敏杰的作品,而且,这些著名的中外艺术家的精彩作品引发了北京当代艺术社群关于版画的探讨,同时也启迪了对版画的思考与研究。

关于LeRoy Neiman版画中心

LeRoy Neiman版画中心,位于纽约的哥伦比亚大学,是专业的版画制作工作室与教学中心。 LeRoy Neiman版画中心鼓励艺术家们在创作过程中充分挖掘、探索,超越自我并延伸版画传统的艺术形式。这一成效表现在对于作品的连续串列画幅形式及一组作品多种图像的探索。LeRoy Neiman版画中心旨在教育、制作并推广版画艺术及其人才。此中心通过多种教学手段提供给学生和当代艺术家充分的艺术空间去研究和制作版画,其中包括铜版、木版、石版、丝网印刷术和数字制版。


Gregory Amenoff, Polly Apfelbaum, Phong Bui, Mark Dion, Megan Foster, Lee Friedlander, Carl Fudge, Barnaby Furnas, Ellen Gallagher, Trenton Doyle Hancock, Yun-Fei Ji, William Kentridge, Robert Lazzarini, Fred Liang, Suzanne Li Puma, Lei Lei Meng, LeRoy Neiman, Jennifer Nuss, Thomas Roma, Dana Schutz, Dasha Shishkin, Shahzia Sikander, Luis Silva, Kiki Smith, Jomar Statkun, Sarah Sze, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Tomas Vu, Kara Walker, Paula Wilson, Terry Winters/Ben Marcus and Su Yin Zhou.

此次今日国际版画大展是由 LeRoy Neiman版画中心、还有红盒子工作室、中央美术学院以及今日美术馆联合组织、策划的。

联络人 For more information:

中国: 孟蕾蕾 +86 139.1003.6798 / 唐凯琳Katherine Don +86.158.1018.9440 / RedBox Studio

纽约: Rebecca Lax +1-212 854 7641 或访问我们的网站 Images online: http://arts.columbia.edu/neiman/

Contemporary Prints: 1999 – 2009

The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies

Columbia University School of the Arts

Today Art Museum Hall No. 2

32 Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing

July 4 – 31, 2009

Opening Reception: July 17, 2009, 17:00 ~ 20:00

This exhibition explores the medium of printmaking and coincides with the First Contemporary Chinese Printmaking Exhibition at the Today Art Museum to facilitate the thinking and making of contemporary prints.

Contemporary Prints: 1999 – 2009 is a traveling survey exhibition which includes prints published by The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies in the last ten years and other related unique works by participating artists. The collection displayed features over 300 works created by thirty-six artists in all printmaking media, including many of the most important international artists working today. The Neiman collection presents several key portfolios and series by contemporary artists diverse in their individual imagery and challenging in scope.

By integrating elements of sculpture, collage, photography and drawing into the printmaking medium, the Neiman Center’s collection provides a unique perspective on contemporary prints in a global context and aims to foster future development in the making and thinking of prints.

At the Today Art Museum

Contemporary Prints: 1999 – 2009 premieres at the Today Art Museum to coincide with the First Contemporary Chinese Printmaking Exhibition featuring works by established Chinese artists including Fang Lijun, Feng Mengbo, He Muqun, Hong Hao, Li Hua, Qiu Zhijie, Su Xinping, Tan Ping, Wang Huaxiang, Xu Bing, Zhang Minjie, and Zhou Jirong. This simultaneous display of printmaking works by celebrated Chinese and Western artists marks a watershed moment for facilitating the creative and intellectual dialogue of printmaking in China.

About the Neiman Center

The Neiman Center is a professional printmaking workshop and learning center at Columbia University in New York. Invited artists are encouraged to explore the seed concept of a project at the Neiman Center, to push past and extend an idea beyond its original form, and to expand the vocabulary of printmaking. The Neiman Center provides contemporary artists with a rich collaborative environment to investigate and produce images through a myriad of printmaking media, including: intaglio, lithography, silkscreen, relief, photogravure, laser engraving and digital imaging.


Gregory Amenoff, Polly Apfelbaum, Klaus Burgel, Phong Bui, Mark Dion, Megan Foster, Lee Friedlander, Carl Fudge, Barnaby Furnas, Ellen Gallagher, Trenton Doyle Hancock, Yun-Fei Ji, William Kentridge, Robert Lazzarini, Fred Liang, Suzanne Li Puma, Lei Lei Meng, LeRoy Neiman, Jennifer Nuss, Thomas Roma, Dana Schutz, Dasha Shishkin, Shahzia Sikander, Luis Silva, Kiki Smith, Jomar Statkun, Sarah Sze, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Tomas Vu, Kara Walker, Paula Wilson, Terry Winters/Ben Marcus and Su Yin Zhou.

These exhibitions are co-organized by the LeRoy Neiman Center for the Print Studies, RedBox Studio, Central Academy of Fine Art and the Today Art Museum.

联络人 For more information:

中国: 孟蕾蕾 +86 139.1003.6798 / 唐凯琳Katherine Don +86.158.1018.9440 / RedBox Studio

纽约: Rebecca Lax +1-212 854 7641 或访问我们的网站 Images online: http://arts.columbia.edu/neiman/


LeRoy Neiman版画中心是在著名艺术家 LeRoy Neiman和夫人 Janet Neiman的慷慨资助下于1996年在哥伦比亚大学成立的。LeRoy Neiman版画中心旨在教育、制作并推广版画艺术及其人才。此中心通过多种教学手段提供给学生和当代艺术家充分的艺术空间去研究和制作版画,其中包括铜版、木版、石版、丝网印刷术和数字制版。

LeRoy Neiman版画中心在创作上给学生(包括本科生与研究生)提供了多种多样的创作平台,其中有丰富广泛的艺术课程、奖学金制度及工作室。版画中心的独特之处,正在于给学生提供在专业版画制作工作室担任版画制作助理的机会,让学生在更广阔的工作领域内获得实际的经验。LeRoy Neiman版画中心的首要目标就是努力维持其版画制作工作室的生机活力,保持其一流的艺术创作环境,使得同学能够在版画大师的指导下工作和学习。

LeRoy Neiman版画中心鼓励艺术家们在创作过程中充分挖掘、探索,超越自我并延伸版画传统的艺术形式。这一成效表现在对于作品的连续串列画幅形式及一组作品多种图像的探索。这种创作方向是与LeRoy Neiman版画中心的使命息息相关的——那就是教育、挑战学生们与艺术家们的创作思维——在版画的语境下,给他们自由地探索空间,推动他们不断创新,并超越其第一固有创作观念。


The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies was founded by a generous endowment from LeRoy and Janet Neiman in 1996 to promote printmaking through education, production and exhibition of prints. The Center provides its students and contemporary artists, a rich environment to investigate and produce images through a myriad of printmaking media, which include: intaglio, lithography, silkscreen, relief, photogravure, engraving and digital imaging.

The Neiman Center supports students, graduate and undergraduate, in their exploration of various printmaking media through a wide array of classes, fellowships, and studio work.?? Unique to this visual arts program is the opportunity for students to gain experience on a more intensive level by assisting with the print production in a professional print shop setting.? The primary focus of the Center is to maintain this challenging environment for its printmaking community, where students can work with and under the guidance of a master printer.

These artists are encouraged to fully explore the seed concept of a project at the Center, to push past and extend an idea beyond its original form. The potency of this work is found in the exploration of the serial form and multiplicity of image.? This is consistent with the Center’s mission - to educate and challenge students and artists alike - through the context of printmaking, giving them freedom to explore and push beyond their first creative conviction.?

With advisory support from our Artist Selection Committee, the Center chooses a range of artists whose print projects will be realized, from younger to mid-career and established artists.? The prints produced by these artists, in collaboration with our students, provide the hands-on experiential learning for all involved and a means of finance for supporting the Center's mission.?? Crucial to that end, is the study of and presentation of these publications in exhibitions nationally and abroad.? These in turn display the artist’s individual vision built upon the efforts of our printmaking community at large and presents them in a global context.

联络人 For more information: http://arts.columbia.edu/neiman/


图片 IMAGES: [See “Print Exhibition HIGHLIGHTS_MEDIA.zip”] 请参考我们的 电子版附件


The exhibition is accompanied by a 172p full-color catalogue designed by RedBox Studio, Beijing. Available for sale during the exhibition.


The exhibition of the Neiman Center collection appeared in a different form at the Tsinghua University Visual Arts Center of Academy of Arts and Design at Tsinghua University in Beijing May 29 - June 13, 2009.



Thinking? and Making of Prints


主讲人: 托马斯·福丹尼(LeRoy Neiman版画中心,艺术总监)




Guest chair: Su Xinping(Director of? the Printmaking Department, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing)

Speaker: Tomas Vu Daniel (Artistic Director, LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies, New York )

Robert Lazzarini(Artist, New York)

Time: Saturday, July 11, 14:00-16:00

Venue: 2nd Floor, Today Art Museum Hall No. 2




“Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Prints” and “Contemporary Prints: 1999-2009” from The LeRoy Neiman Center of Print Studies at Columbia University School of the Arts are jointly hosted together at the Today Art Museum. Serving as a overview of the current developments of contemporary printmaking, this is a significant moment for facilitating a creative and intellectual dialogue of printmaking in a global context.

In this conversation, artists of the Columbia University School of the Arts and China Central Academy of Fine Arts will present their perspectives on “printmaking”, as well as exchange their ideas about printmaking as artists working between China and the West.


时间:7月17日 16:00-17:00


Time: 16:00-17:00, Saturday, July 17

Venue:? Main Hall of the Today Art Museum

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