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梦.徘徊 (侯骁彝个人展览)


展览名称:梦.徘徊 (侯骁彝个人展览)
参与艺术家:侯骁彝HOU XIAOYI




Within the 15 years, urban china is amazingly developing on its scale, speed, density and gauge. Shen Zhen, a city near Hong Kong separated by a river, has been described as a city rising in a night. Accompanying to the wave of Beijing Olympic game in 2008, a chain of architectural project bidding and collected designs open up internationally. Change has not only accomplished the gratification from the effort behind, but also drops the height between the adjustment of physical body and environmental surround. When human senses fail to chase the speed of environmental change, a distant is occurred. Distant is from the height drop. It is a lingering condition between the present and the past. Perhaps hesitancy makes things confusing and vague... but if you seek for it, a story will be found.

Hou XiaoYi, born in Beijing in 1970, started his“Dream-Lingering Childhood”series of creation in 2006. Born in the 1970s, Hou has witnessed the innovation of urban China, “Forward stumble is losing and gain. We catch the worldwide attention, but we lose our silence”.
- Hou XiaoYi

In“Dream-Lingering Childhood", Hou intend to arouse our nostalgia of traditional way of life. We need modern civilization and prosperity of speed, but at the same time, we are eager for the traditional way of simplicity. “Dream-Lingering Childhood " is the bridge erecting between tradition and modernity. Hou hopes that it can occasionally help people be silent from the concrete jungle, recollect the sincerity between human and turn back to the tranquility of nature as well.

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