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时间:2010/5/22-2010/5/22 地区:北京    来源:


Speaker: Gu Wenda
Time: 14:00-16:00, May 22nd


谷文达是中国当代最重要的国际艺术家之一,现居住和工作于中国上海和美国纽约,职业艺术家。曾任明尼苏达大学美术系副教授并由明尼苏达州州长授予荣誉州民,纽约库柏联盟客座教授,纽约 P.S.1美术馆国际艺术家评审,芝加哥艺术学院艺术奖学金评委,澳门为申报联合国文化遗产艺术节评委等。2009年被《南方人物周刊》评为“中国魅力50人”。

Looking into the ever-changing path of civilization, Gu Wenda set the tone for this lecture by pointing out what he considers the unusual and the unconventional. By examining different series of work, ranging from the “United Nation”, a work that challenges the mystification the human body and multiculturalism; “Forest of Stone Steles”, an attempt to read into the commonality of our contemporary world; “Heavenly Lantern”, a celebration of multiculturalism, and the shifting perspective of contemporary landscape gardening of the East manifested in “China Park”, Gu will share with us his unique artistic language and his path as a celebrated artist.

Gu Wenda is one of the most important international artists of our time. Based in both Shanghai and New York, Gu works as a professional artist. During his time teaching at the University of Minnesota, he received the title of Aonorary Minnesotan from the Govemor of Minnesota. Gu is a guest artist and adjunct faculty member of Cooper Union in New York. He was a panel member of the International Artists Residence of PS1 Museum in New York in 1995, and a jurist for the Macao Arts Festival for the application of United Nations World Heritage in 2003. In 2009, he has won Southern People weekly''s 50 China Charisma Auard.



 ·《象 非象》申伟光超验艺术研讨会

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